Key SEO Stats and Why is it Still a Top Marketing Strategy?


Key SEO Stats and Why is it Still a Top Marketing Strategy with Digital Boogey Man?

68% of online experiences begin with a search engine

It used to be that whenever people go online, they pull up their favorite search engine. With the advent of social media, fewer people are using search engines to start their online experience. However, it doesn't take away anything from the power of search engines. For the most part, most of your potential customers will find your business through a search engine.

Google holds 92.03% of the global search engine market share

Other search engines such as Bing (2.48%) and Yahoo! (1.5%) trailing the search engine giant. To be successful in SEO, it's clear that you have to play by Google's rules - in fact, a large portion of your SEO efforts should be focused on Google.

Tracking Google's algorithmic changes, updates, and trends ensures that you stay ahead of the curve and make important adjustments as needed.

Only 25% of users scroll the first page of SERPs

When doing SEO, your goal is to rank as high as possible for your chosen keywords, and eventually end up on the first page. 75% of users don't bother scrolling beyond the second page of search results, as they usually find what they're looking for by scanning the first page, clicking a link, and on their way.

If you're not aiming to be on the first page of Google, what's the point?

The #1 organic search result has an average clickthrough rate (CTR) of 31.7%.

As expected, the number one search result has the highest CTR which accounts for about a third of the total clicks. Also, it's worth adding that the top search result is ten times more likely to receive clicks on the first page than a #10 result. In contrast, the second place result has a CTR of 24.71 and only 0.78% of users clicked on something on the second page.

This is hardly surprising as rank #1 is much more valuable than any other position on the SERP because users instinctively click on the first result they see.

81% of consumers do online research before making a purchase

Remember, one of the major reasons many people choose to shop online, rather than in-store, is the ability to research before making a purchase decision. SEO is important for conversions because you can target people with high buying intent by using the right keywords – these are consumers who are ready to spend money for a product or service.

An important part of SEO is developing content for detailed sales pages and product descriptions, and answering customer questions.

US Mobile users account for 45% of e-commerce sales

This statistic explains the importance of mobile optimization for SEO. Most of your customers will probably access your website through their smartphones and tablets, so optimizing the user experience for mobile users is essential.

Mobile optimization is the process of ensuring that your visitors have a mobile optimized experience when they visit your site. In addition, Google now uses mobile-first indexing which means that the search engine mainly uses the mobile version of websites for indexing and ranking.

76% of people visited or called a business within 24 hours of doing a local search on mobile

This statistic emphasizes the importance of not only mobile optimization but also local SEO. With almost everyone having a smartphone or tablet, local searches (nearby, near me, etc.) have skyrocketed over the years. If a potential customer finds your business when doing a local search, there's a good chance they'll call or visit your location in person.

If you have a brick-and-mortar shop or a local healthcare service, optimizing for local SEO should be one of your top priorities.

39% of shoppers were influenced by relevant search results

Search is highly influential on how people buy a product or service. Is your brand serving potential customers online with relevant and useful content? Are you in search results when people search for a product or service you offer? Lastly, are you tracking and evaluating these interactions properly?

Doing SEO the right way means you're giving value to potential consumers by creating high-quality and useful content and providing a seamless user-experience. If you can engage your visitors and provide them with value, they will be more bound to make a purchase.

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